Andrey A. Atemasov
Ph.D. (ecology)
Senior researcher
E-mail: atemasov@gmail.com, Andrey.A.Atemasov@univer.kharkov.ua
кафедра зоології та екології тварин
біологічний факультет
Харківський національний університет імені В.Н.Каразіна
м.Свободи,4, Харків, 61022 Україна

Scientific Interests
Ornithology, theriology, ecology of bird and mammals, bioacoustics, soundscape ecology.
Ph.D. (ecology) – Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia: 2005 (confirmation at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv: 2009)
M.Sc. (biology) – Chair of Vertebrate Zoology, Biology Faculty, Kharkov State University, Kharkov, USSR: 1986
Positions and Research Experience
2018 – at present: senior staff scientist, Department of Zoology and Animal Ecology, біологічний факультет, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2012 –2016: senior staff scientist, National nature park “Dvourechanski” (part-time)
2004 – 2017: senior staff scientist, Group of applied problems of animal ecology, Research Institute of Biology, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
1999 – 2004: staff scientist, Group of applied problems of animal ecology, Research Institute of Biology, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
1992 – 1999: junior staff scientist, Group of applied problems of animal ecology, Research Institute of Biology, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
1988 –1992: junior staff scientist, Laboratory of repeated resources utilisation, Ukrainian Research Institute of Municipal Economy
1986 – 1988: teacher of young naturalists group, Biology Department, Kharkov Regional Palace of pioneers
Professional Affiliations
Ecological Society of America (2000 – 2018)
British Ecological Society (2006 – 2013)
International Corncrake Workshop
Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds
Scientific Council of National Park “Dvorichanskiy” (2012 – 2020)
Scientific Council of National Park “Slobozhanskiy” (2012 – 2017)
Scientific Council of National Park “Gomilshanski lisy” (2005 – 2008)
2019 – 2020: participant of project «Monitoring of avifauna of the territory of the designed Azov wind farm to assess possible threats to birds from its operation», financed by LLC NBT UKRAINE
2018: participant of project «River otter at Chernobyl exclusion zone» financed by Chernobyl Center for Nuclear Safety, Radioactive Waste and Radioecology
2017: participation in an expedition to study the population of the steppe marmot within the framework of the BALTRAK project (Balancing Tradeoffs between Agriculture and Biodiversity in the Steppes of Kazakhstan)
2014: participant of project “Save Menzbir’s Marmot, an endemic species of the western Tian Shan!” financed by the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund
2011: leader of project “Conservation of Corncrakes during autumn migration in Southern Ukraine. The plain Crimea” financed by the Rufford Small Grants Foundation
2010 – 2011: leader of project “Prevention of mass mortality of geese at spring migration in North-eastern Ukraine” financed by Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
2008 – 2009: leader of project “Conservation of Corncrakes during autumn migration in Southern Ukraine” financed by the John Ball Zoo Society Wildlife Conservation Fund and the Rufford Small Grants Foundation
2007 – 2008: participant of project “Russian Desman is not a myth but an Ukrainian reality” financed by National Geographical Society (USA)
2006 – 2007: participant of project “The Medicinal Leech (Hirudo spp.), Famous and Unknown: Taxonomy, Conservation, and Medical Applications” financed by INTAS
2006: leader of project “Development of plans for rabies control program in foxes using oral vaccines” financed by Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
2004: participant of project DAPHNA’04 (an initiation of conservation action for two endangered plant species of Ukrainian chalk outcrops) financed by the Rufford Foundation
1996 – 2004: participant of Important Bird Areas Territory Program (Ukrainian Union for Bird Conservation and BirdLife International)
2002 – 2003: participant of project “Patterns of dispersal in relation to habitat fragmentation in the Middle Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos medius” financed by British Ecological Society
2002: leader of project “Bees home” (Local management of entomological nature-reservoirs network) financed by Royal Netherlands Embassy in Ukraine
2000 – 2002: participant of project “Russian desman in Ukraine” (project of inventory desman population in Ukraine and urgent measures for it’s conservation) financed by Flora & Fauna International, People Trust for Endangered Species, Chicago Zoological Society and Explorer’s Club
2001 – 2002: participant of project “Ark for owls” (local action aimed at maintenance and protection of rare owls) financed by Royal Netherlands Embassy in Ukraine
2000 – 2002: leader of project “Inventory of Corncrake in Ukraine” (Ukrainian Union for Bird Conservation and BirdLife International)
1999: leader of project “Living Plavni” (project of bio-technical measures aimed at prevention reed overgrowth burning and at protection birds and their nests) financed by Royal Netherlands Embassy in Ukraine
1998 – 1999: participant of project “Population dynamics of the European Beaver (Castor fiber L.) at the southern border of its range and factors influencing this dynamics” financed by British Ecological Society
1998: participant of project “Adji like ecosystem – conservation for the future” financed by BP Conservation Programme
1998: participant of project “White stork” (Extensive propaganda company of the White Stork’s protection and competition for the best White Stork’s artificial nest) financed by Activity Fund (Milieukontakt Oost-Europa and DOEN Foundation)
1996 – 1997: leader of project “Ocheret” (“Reed”), which carried out by North-Eastern Department of the Ukrainian Ornithological Society and financed by ISAR-Kiev
Selected scientific publications
- Ronkin V., Tokarsky V., Polchaninova N., Atemasov A., Koshkina A., Savchenko G. Comparative Assessment of Ecological Plasticity of the Steppe Marmot Between Ukrainian and Kazakhstan Populations: Challenges of the Man-Induced Environmental Changes // Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. – 8:219. – 2020.
- Atemasov A., Atemasova T. Impact of stand variables on characteristics of avian soundscape in common oak (Quercus robur L.) forests // Forestry Studies. – V. 70, iss.1. – 2019. – P. 68–79.
- Skorobogatov I.V., Atemasov A.A., Gashchak S.P. Preliminary results of first-ever otter survey in Chornobyl exclusion zone, northern Ukraine // OTTER, Journal of the International Otter Survival Fund. – V.5, 2019. – P. 30-38.
- Polchaninova, N., Tsurikov, M. & Atemasov, A. Effect of summer fire on cursorial spider (Aranei) and beetle (Coleoptera) assemblages in meadow steppes of Central European Russia // Hacquetia. – 2016. – 15, No2. – P. 113–132.
- Atemasov, A. A., I. M. Gorban, O. V. Dudkin, O. Y. Mykytiuk & S. V. Domashevskiy. Number and distribution of Corncrakes Crex crex in Ukraine in the 2000s // Vogelwelt. – 2016. – V.136. – P.145 – 152.
- Atemasova T.A., Atemasov A.A., Brusentsova N.A. White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) at the North-Eastern Ukraine: trends in population dynamics at the edge of range // The White Stork: studies in biology, ecology and conservation. Eds. L.Jerzak, J.Shephard, J.I.Aquirre, J.Shamoun-Baranes, P.Tryjanowski. Zielona Gora. – 2016. – P.63-71.
- Utevsky S., Zagmajster M., Atemasov A., Zinenko O., Utevska O., Utevsky A., Trontelj P. Distribution and status of medicinal leeches (genus Hirudo) in the Western Palaearctic: anthropogenic, ecological, or historical effects? // Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. – 2010. – Vol. 20, Issue 2. – P. 198–210.
- Utevsky S.Y., Zinenko A.I., Atemasov A.A., Huseynov M.A., Utevska O.M., Utevsky A.Y. New information on the distribution of the medicinal leech (genus Hirudo) in the Iberian Peninsula, the Caucasus and Central Asia // Lauterbornia. – 2008. – V. 65. – P.119-130.
- Banik, M.V., A.A.Atemasov, T.A.Atemasova, A.S.Nadtochiy & S.V.Konovalenko Main spring stopover sites of migrating geese in the Kharkiv region, North-eastern Ukraine. // Vogelwelt – 2008. – V. 129. – P. 195–200.
- Utevsky S.Yu., Atemasov A.A., Mazepa G.O., Utevsky A.Yu., Utevska O.M., Zinenko O.I. New information on the distribution of the Medicinal Leech, Hirudo (Hirundinea) in Ukraine, Central Asia, Azerbaijan and the Northern Caucasus // Vestnik zoologii. – 2008. – v. 42. – № 1. – P. 56.